The Bhutan Olympic Committee is pleased to announce the following candidates who are selected for the BOC-RUB Sports Scholarship (other RUB Colleges):

Sl. No.NameCID No.GenderCourseCollege
1Dechen Pem11705002344FemaleBSc. in Sustainable DevelopmentCollege of Natural Resource, Lobesa
2Kinley Dorji11303000729MaleBSc. in StatisticsSherubtse College, Kanglung
3Kinley Tenzin11006001772MaleBA in EnglishSherubtse College, Kanglung
4Tshering Wangchuk11503003480MaleBA in Media StudiesSherubtse College, Kanglung
5Karma Tandin Pem10102003144FemaleBachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of CommerceGaeddu College of Business Studies, Gedu

The following students have been shortlisted for Paro College of Education to pursue Diploma in Physical Education and Sports Coaching.

The shortlisted applicants must appear for the Physical Proficiency Test (PPT). Follow the link given below to understand in greater detail about the PPT preparation and submission.

Send all your required documents to this email: [email protected] and 6th of July 2021, 5:00 PM is the deadline for the submission.

Sl. No.NameGenderCID No.
1.Kinga TenzinMale10104002584
2.Tenzin DorjiMale11505000404
3.Yonten PhuntshoMale11908000415
4.Yeshi WangmoFemale10705005169
5.Tandin WangchukMale11308003654
6.Rinchen DorjiMale10705002077
7.Tshering YangkiFemale11504000441
8.Tshewang PenjorMale11515005182
9.Jigme TshultrimMale11302001863
10.Tandin NamgayMale11806001230
11.Chogyel NorzangFemale11701002106
12.Jamyang YangzomFemale11507002736
13.Yeshi LhamoFemale10710001753
14.Kezang YudenFemale11510003139
15.Sonam WangdaMale10715000350