Bhutan Olympic Committee would like to invite development of logo for the Bhutan Anti-Doping Committee (BADC) through open competition. The logo should be thematic to actual business of the BADC. (Dope free sports/clean sport/fair play/upholding spirit of sports) and with Bhutanese expression.

It must be submitted as a scalable vector graphic in EPS format and also as a JPG through email to Mr. Sonam Tshewang at [email protected] . The date for submission is July 10, 2017.

The best entrant will be awarded a Cash prize of Nu. 20,000/- and a Certificate.

For details contact Mr. Nima Gyetshen at (02) 325084 of Mr. Sonam Tshewang at (02) 322508 during office hours.

BADC Logo- information