Latest News & Announcements
Bhutan Olympic Committee
Bhutan Olympic Committee’s in collaboration with the Tourism Council of Bhutan is organizing the Haa...
The Bhutan Olympic Committee in collaboration with Olympic Council of Asia is pleased to present an...
BOC-RUB Scholarship Shortlisted candidates Interview Date: 20/06/2014 Venue: BOC Office...
Opening Day of Bhutan’s inaugural Thimphu Baseball League kicked off on June 15th, 2014, with the...
Bhutan Olympic Committee (BOC) and the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) jointly announce the...
The three day championship concluded on the 11th May, 2014 and saw 51 participants from all walks of...
Since 1984, Olympic Day is celebrated the anniversary of the International Olympic Committee...
Male, Maldives: The South Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization (SARADO) conducted a series of...
Seoul, Korea: Decisions made in the boardroom show up on the field of play, said longtime...
THIMPHU, April 23rd 2014 Recognizing the importance of developing a vibrant values based sporting...
The Bhutan Olympic Committee is pleased to inform the general public that the Olympic Day...
Bhutan Chess Federation in collaboration with the Bhutan Olympic Committee and the Department of...
KATHMANDU, March 26: Dechen Ugyen of Bhutan won the fourth CMS Nepal Open Amateur Golf Championship...
The Bhutan Indigenous Games & Sports Association (BIGSA) is pleased to announce the following...
DANTAK Open Mountain Bike Race was first organized in April 2011 to commemorate the Golden Jubilee...
Candidates shortlisted for BOC-RTC Scholarships. The Interview is on the 24th of March, 2014 at 10AM...
The Basketball Federation will be organizing the Coronation Cup 2014 for both men and women with...
The prize winners and full results for the Bhutan International Marathon and half marathon are now...
The depth and dynamism of the Olympic Council of Asia at the start of another Asian Games year will...
Bhutan Basketball Federation would like to invite interested participants for winter Bhutan Youth...
BOC Governance and Structure
Explore the governance and organizational structure of the Bhutan Olympic Committee and its role in promoting sports excellence.