Bhutan Shooting Federation is organizing an Open Air Rifle Shooting Championship for both the genders between the ages of 12 – 16 with effect from 15th to 26th March to commemorate the Birth Anniversary 5th Druk Gyalpo. The winners will not only get an opportunity to showcase their talent but they will also be awarded an attractive cash prizes and individual medals and opportunity to continue their sports career in shooting. For further information, please contact the following personnel during office hours:
- Kunzang Choden, Coach: 17364406
- Dawa Lham, Coach: 77240855
- Dorji Phurba, Coach: 77320218
- Tshering Wangmo: 17676600
Registration deadline: 10th March – 14th March, 2017
15th – 21st March, 2017: Qualification Round after school hour
26th March, 2017: Final and awarding ceremony
Entry fee: Nu. 200/-