Recognizing the importance of encouraging and cultivating sporting achievement and sportsmanship, the Royal Thimphu College (RTC) and Bhutan Olympic Committee (BOC) do hereby agree to jointly provide six sports scholarships (2 for basketball enthusiasts, 2 for football and 2 open) per annum to students who have demonstrated the highest levels of sporting achievement and sportsmanship.

The selected students will be able to attend various undergraduate programs at the Royal Thimphu College under the ‘RTC-BOC Sports Scholarship Program’.

Applicants who meet the RTC admissions criteria with outstanding sporting achievements may apply. For  details on the eligibility criteria visit RTC’s Courses and eligibility criteria page on page. The scholarship forms and guidelines can  be downloaded from the link below or collected from RTC city office at Room # 56, Chang Lam Plaza, Thimphu or RTC office at Ngabiphu.

Application forms can be submitted at the RTC Office, Ngabiphu or the RTC City Office at Chang Lam Plaza.

The deadline for submission is March 20th 2015.

The scholarship awards will be announced on the RTC and BOC website after the selection.

For more information call RTC at 351801 ext 147 / 17846340 or BOC at 322508.


