The following candidates have been shortlisted for the post of Assistant Program Officer for Bhutan Volleyball Federation. The shortlisted candidates are hereby requested to report to the Bhutan Olympic Committee office located at the Changlingmethang National Stadium on the 14th of January, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. for a written test.

Top 10 candidates will be shortlisted for an interview.

Sl. No.NameCID No.Gender
1Ugyen Dorji11003000123Male
2Kinley Zangmo11407000628Female
3Pema Choden11510002808Female
4Tandin Jamtsho10903002802Male
5Passang Dem11914000402Female
6Karma Choden11103000881Female
7Ugyen Phuntsho11804000143Male
8Dechen Selden10202000979Female
9Reshma Tamang11004002868Female
10Kinley Zangmo11510001656Female
11Amrita Rai11204000552Female
12Geeta Rai10211001019Female
13Tshering Choden10602001803Female
14Tshewang Namgyay11502002889Male
15Umang Deep Rai11204004723Male
16Tshering Lhamo10811003614Female
17Nidup Dorji10716000443Male
18Phurba Dorji11002002228Male
19Tshering Dorji11509001750Male
20Anita Rai11212005146Female
21Kelzang Dolkar10101001241Female
22Tika Nesor10308000948Female
23Taw Tshering11510004173Male
24Tashi Yangden12008001046Female
25Chador Phuntsho11607001856Male
26Tshering Wangmo12004002616Female
27ugyen Zangmo11513000761Female
28Tshering Dema11202001344Female
29Karma Sonam Wangmo11809000288Female
30Sangay Rinchen12003000626Male
For any clarification, please contact HR Division, BOC at 02-338064 during office hours.